Three Hanging place Asik in Bandung Jatinangor

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You've been to Jatinangor Banung? You know three cool place to visit in this region? In this article, the author will share information about two fun place to hang out in the area Jatinangor Bandung. Where are the point of that? Let's consider the following information.(Bali best hotel)

Three Points Hanging Jatinangor Fun in Bandung
There is nothing in the gate of Padjadjaran Bandung? At the gates of Bandung's Padjadjaran every Sunday there will be a shock market called Market Unpad or pounds. Communities around Jatinangor will usually come here to stroll, jog, or shopping for a variety of purposes. Shop? Yes, just like any other shock market, market Jatinangor Bandung also sold a variety of needs ranging from a snack, heavy food, vegetables, fruits, paralatan household, clothing, plants, pets, and so on. Prices of goods offered here are also very affordable. For food, for example, prices range from Rp. 1,500 to Rp. 10,000 only.(Bali accommodation seminyak)

Jatinangor Town Square
Jatinangor Town Square or Jatos has also become one of the fun places to hang out in Jatinangor Bandung. Similarly ith another mall, here visitors can berelanja various purposes. There is also a restaurant that serves a variety of different makana like warm rice, steak, cireng, fried rice, and so on.
Jatos visitors not only from the city of Bandung but also from out of town. If the month of Ramadan comes, this Jatos be crowded with visitors who want to break their fast here. The reason is the price offered here is reasonably priced starting Rp. 5,000 to Rp. 35,000 only. (Bali private villa)

Alfa Bunga Mas Jatinangor
Alfa Jatinangor Bunga Mas is located near Unpad gate circuitry is on the road Ciseke Besar. This area is also a favorite place of visitors, especially students. Collection of food here is not as complete as in the market, Padjadjaran University, but the location is very strategic, so many visitors who come here. Here you can find various types of food is like Japanese food and Chinese food. The price of food here is also very cheap starting from Rp. 2,000 to Rp. 20,000 only.

You interested to go to one of them? What are you waiting for? Just come into the area Jatinangor Bandung and feel the sensation of fun hanging out here.

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