Nature in Stone Mountain Horse Manglayang Bandung

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Nature in Stone Mountain Horse Manglayang Bandung

Want a tour of nature? Try it traveled in Stone Mountain Horse Manglayang Bandung. From this location you can menikmat beauty of Bandung and the natural atmosphere is cool and fresh. This tourist spot is one of the natural attractions that exist in the area of ​​East Bandung. Before you visit these places, let's consider first the following information.(Bali Holiday Villa)

Location Stone Horse Mountain Manglayang
Location Stone Horse Mountain Manglayang Bandung is located approximately 20 km from the city of Bandung, precisely in the village Cibiru Weta, District Ujung Berung. This tourist spot has an area of ​​about 20 hectares and is located on a plateau with uadara very fresh and cool. These sights are filled with pines, cypresses and kaliandra thus adding keundahan green natural scenery. In these places you also can find the mountain springs are used as a source of water for local communities.

Location Batu This horse was under threat because of illegal logging practices. However, it can still be prevented by the perhutani so now these sights could be managed better circuitry. Tourist attractions Stone Horse Mountain Manglayang been opened since 1987.

Tourism activities in Stone Mountain Horse Manglayang

Then, what activities can be done in these places? Riding in a tourist spot Manglayang Mount Batu Bandung, you can do many things such as outbound, picnicking, hiking, camping, and so on. Activities such as this is very good for those who want melepasskan tired after a week of solid activity. There are also many parents who take their children do the camper to introduce children to nature and enhance the natural intelligence.(Bali kuta resort)

For facilities, these sights are complete. Here there is the installation of water, toilets, seating, street signs, shelters, and even a guide that can walk you through doing activities here. So, you need not worry. Despite its location in the hills, you do not worry because access to places quite easily. The road is paved so you can use the vehicle. However, if you do not bring a car, you can rent a motorcycle or a car colt.(Bali cheap hotel)

That information about tourist attractions Stone Horse Mountain Manglayang Bandung. Hopefully this information can be a reference for those who are looking for a pleasant nature in Bandung. Congratulations traveled.

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