Know the Ancient Lake Situ Cipanunjang

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Have you ever heard the name of the Ancient Lake Situ Cipanunjang? Although not very well known by the visitors, but now have started a lot of visitors who visit this lake both visitors of Bandung as well as from outside Bandung. What does this lake? Let's consider the following information. (Bali Holiday Villa)

The lakeside location Purba
Ancient lake Cipanunjang located in South Bandung area about 43 km from the city of Bandung. Precisely in the Village Pulosarim, pangalengan South. If you ever visit Cileunca, located not too far off it. Cipanunjang there is in Cileunca, precisely at an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level. This is what makes a lot of people who do not know his whereabouts. To visit it, you have to cross the Cileunca before using the boat rental services.(Bali cheap hotel)

The view on the lake Purba
In Lake Situ Cipanunjang Purba, you will be presented with a very beautiful natural scenery. You can see the surface is so captivating Cileunca of the mouth of the lake. Plus Tilu beauty of mountains in the west, towering beautifully.

For traveled here you do not need to spend a lot of money. You only need to pay the entrance fee of Rp. 5000 only, while for boat hire you only need to pay Rp. 10,000 per person. Ancient Lake Situ Cipanunjang this is not very well known by tourists. However, it is now quite a lot of brides who do pre - wedding photos in the sights of this one.

Souvenir Typical PANGALENGAN
After visiting the Ancient Lake Situ Cipanunjang, certainly will not fit here without buying souvenirs typical PANGALENGAN. In this PANGALENGAN there are a variety of specialties that you can make souvenirs such as milk crackers, candy caramel milk, Noga milk and milk dodol.(Bali private villa)

Souvenirs typical of this PANGALENGAN very attractive to visitors. Many visitors buy souvenirs typical of this PANGALENGAN. Moreover, milk crackers as a variant of the new souvenirs. It was a tasty able to pamper anyone who eats it. PANGALENGAN typical souvenirs you can find in the shops near Bali Private Villa for souvenirs typical PANGALENGAN widely scattered along the highway PANGALENGAN.

That information about the Ancient Lake Situ Cipanunjang. Hopefully this information is helpful to you. Welcome traveled in South Bandung.

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