Typical Banten Banten is a province growing in Tatar Pasundan. At first, Banten is part of West Java province which was then in 2000 decided to secede and become the region's own expansion...
Typical Banten Banten is a province growing in Tatar Pasundan. At first, Banten is part of West Java province which was then in 2000 decided to secede and become the region's own expansion...
Air travel in Bandung? Maybe some people will be asking questions like that. Yes, in Bandung today tourists can feel the sensation of different tours. Air travel that allow travelers enjoy a panoramic...
Kampung Batu Bandung travel Malakasari Would like to invite you traveled instructive? Bring just to the tourist attractions Kampung Batu Malakasari Bandung. In this place you can not only enjoy the natural atmosphere...
Nature in Stone Mountain Horse Manglayang Bandung Want a tour of nature? Try it traveled in Stone Mountain Horse Manglayang Bandung. From this location you can menikmat beauty of Bandung and the natural...
Regions Nature Dago Pakar Bandung Amazing Want a tour of nature around Dago? Perhaps nature Dago Pakar Bandung can be one of your choices. This place is visited by many visitors both residents...
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